Active Fine Art Posts

How To: Draw letters

Drawing is easy for some, harder for others, but drawing letters is pretty simple for both the pro and novice artist. There's all kind of text styles you could conjure up, and they don't have to be boring fonts. Fire up your imagination to create different styles for drawing numbers and letters of the alphabet, adding individuality and pizzazz to names, messages, greeting cards and decorated items.

How To: Photograph with a tilt shift lens

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to photograph with a tilt shift lens. Shooting in a position of height will exaggerate the field, Make sure to lock down the exposure of the camera before tilting. A tilt shift lens allows users to choose where the focal point lies and are able to blur out the image. To maximize the depth of a field, users need to simply turn the lens to change the focal point. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested in photography and have a tilt shi...

How To: Draw curves like an architect

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to draw curves like an architect. The first way is to use circle and oval shaped templates. When using the template, push down on it firmly and carefully picking the template back up to not smear the pencil marks. If the template does not come with a raised backing, use some built-up tape for leverage. Never use permanent markers with the template, work with dirty hands or cut with the template. Users can also use French curve templates and compasses....

How To: Draw Aladdin and Jasmine from the movie Aladdin

In this tutorial, we learn how to draw Aladdin and Jasmine. Start by drawing Jasmine, draw her hair on first, then start working on her face and head. Add on her earrings, eyebrows, and mouth. Make sure to pay attention to details and use a picture as a reference to what they should look like. Fill in Jasmine with the colors she wears in the movie, and then start to work on Aladdin. Draw in his hair to start, then make sure to draw on his hat on the very top of his head. Draw his face, giving...

How To: Draw Chinese dragon tattoos

Drawing a Chinese dragon tattoo should include a lot of wavy movements and fluid action to the character. Use an "s" or a "c" shape as the basis of drawing a Chinese dragon tattoo with tips from a professional illustrator and graphic designer in this free video on drawing.

How To: Draw a Japanese dragon

To draw a Japanese dragon, first render a fierce eye, flesh out the head in a stylized way, extend the long body across the page, and add feet with talons. Sketch a few scales on the body of the dragon with art instructions from a professional artist in this free video on drawing.

How To: Draw bubble letters

To draw bubble letters, draw elliptical shapes in place of straight lines in pencil, trace the outline in marker and erase erroneous pencil marks. Sketch out rounded and bubbly letters with creative tips from a professional illustrator in this free video on drawing.

How To: Stretch a canvas

It's no secret, artists are broke. That's why they're referred to as "starving artists". One day these artists will achieve unimaginable success, but for most of their lives, they'll be struggling to survive… struggling to keep their vision alive. That's why they need to work cheap. And that's why they stretch their own canvases, not buy pre-made ones or have the hobby shop do it. If you’re a starving artist, save a few bucks, hone your carpentry skills, and stretch your own canvas.

How To: Make linocut and rubbercut block prints

In this episode of Threadbanger, we learn from Dailey Crafton how to make linocut and rubbercut block prints. They're pretty easy to make, and you can create some pretty outstanding pieces of artwork with just a few simple steps. Just follow along in this video, and you'll be carving out linocut and rubbercut block prints in no time at all!

How To: Draw a tribal heart tattoo with markers

Tattooing is not a job for the weak, but it does take precision and a delicate touch. But you don't have to pierce skin with needles to enjoy the art of tattoos. Anybody with a few pencils and markers can design their own tattoo creations, but to help get you started, try out this tribal heart tattoo sketch. Watch the video to see the whole process of daring a tribe-style heart, and follow along to create your own. Perfect for beginning artists.

How To: Trim a charger with Simon Leach

So you've got your clay thrown on your kiln and you're molding and sculpting away with those busy fingers. The charger you envisioned making in your mind is finally taking shape...sort of. While the general flat plate shape is appearing, there's a noticeable lack of contours and it looks rather flat.

How To: Use opaque watercolors in Chinese watercolor painting

The esteemed tradition of Chinese watercolor goes back thousands of years and hasn't changed much in terms of composition, subject matter, and materials used. So back then as much as today sky dieties and kings would sip green tea outside pagodas perched high above the clouds, surrounded by monumental mountains and far removed from mortal space.

How To: Select a solid tripod for photography

Forget dogs - tripods are a man's best friend (well, if he's a photographer). Eliminating many of the factors that create crappy photos, including the instability of holding the camera up by hand, photo blurs, and general strain of weilding those hulking digital SLRs, tripods are always there to lend a helping leg. Or three.