Active Fine Art Posts

How To: Make duct tape flip flops

This video is about how to make duct tape flip flops. For this you need cardboard, scissors, and three different colored tapes. Follow a few easy steps: cut two identical slipper shapes out of cardboard. Paste the first colored tape on the cut pieces. Fold second colored tape three times to make it thinner. With the help of the scissors create a hole and pass the second colored tape through it. Paste the tape at the back. With the last tape, strengthen the joints above the hole.

How To: Make your oversized shirt into a fitted shirt

Watch closet and fashion guru Barbra Horowits, author of Closet Control, demonstrate how to take an oversized t-shirt and sew a fitted, hip, and sexy shirt. It's so easy, anyone can do it. You can use left over scraps to create a sexy open weave along the sides of the shirt that also holds it together. No needle and thread necessary!

Extreme Light Painting: Artist Uses Just One LED to Trace Entire Rooms with Light Waves

How many trips up and down the stairs do you think it took artist Janne Parviainen to create this incredible topographical light painting? Apparently, quite a few. Using only one LED, he moves around his house, tracing all of the surfaces. Sometimes the exposure times are up to 30 minutes to achieve this effect. He's done similar projects in the past, like these fun, but slightly creepy skeletons. Check out Janne's website and Flickr profile to see more of his work.

How To: This DIY Camera-Mounted Flash Bounce Wall Does Wonders for Your Photos (And Your Wallet)

Everyone has taken a photo that didn't turn out quite right because of bad lighting or a flash that produced too much or too little light. A flash can make your subject look washed out, or even downright creepy with bright white skin and red eyes. But with a bounce wall, you can redirect the light to make it less harsh and reduce the shadows. It also means less demonic-looking cats. Bounce walls can be expensive, but David Hobby of Strobist made this DIY version that uses a wire hanger, some ...

How To: Draw people sitting down

Drawing a person sitting down and other sittign positions can sometimes be really tricky. The next time you run into a problem, be sure to use this great video as a guide. In this video, black charcoal is used and three different sitting positions are gone over.

How To: Give Your Photos a Surreal Effect by Stacking Negatives

Want to add cool effects to your photos without using expensive equipment? Photographer Laina Briedis created these gorgeous shots by stacking 35mm negatives of starry or cloudy skies on top of photos of people to give them a surreal, dreamlike effect. There are a few ways to go about it. Laina explained to PetaPixel that you can do this with or without a darkroom. If you have access to one, you can expose two negatives at the same time by stacking them, or expose them separately onto the sam...